Christmas Blog Party: Tara Guha
I met Tara about eighteen months ago at a Guardian Masterclass in London. Amongst a sea of very varied writers, Tara and I seemed to be...

Christmas Blog Party: Cheryl Rees-Price
Sometimes you just meet someone and you know. I met the lovely Cheryl at a book launch a couple of months ago. She's a writer of crime...

Christmas Blog Party: Harri Atkins
This author malarkey can sometimes feel like quite a lonesome experience so it's always a real joy to meet other local writers. I met the...

Christmas Blog Party: Christina Philippou
I like meeting writing kindred spirits and Christina falls under that category - we're both from the Surrey/North Hampshire area,...

Christmas Blog Party: Jackie Kabler
So....finally, someone has bought some alcohol to the party! Yay! And double yay for the lovely Jackie Kabler who's blogging with me...

#publication day #happydance
There are no words (mainly because I've been at the prosecco). But it's out. Souper Mum has been released into the wild. There are no...

#whoissoupermum? So I’ve given you small clues along the way about Souper Mum’s real identity. Her name is Jools Campbell, she has four...

Helping Souper Mum....
Lots of people asking how to help Souper Mum, how can I get the message out, how can I help her get noticed. She's a classy bird ol'...

The Launch of Souper Mum
So, I’m sorry for making people cry yesterday. Hopefully, they were good tears because the Hound is better and the story had the...

The Rise of Souper Mum, Part 3
Spanners, works. I know all about those at the moment. We’re out of hospital and back home now. I can hardly see for fatigue. I feel...